Sunday, November 15, 2009

Fall 2009

Do you recognize anyone? I love these pictures! Just like being back at home:)

I guess you could call this a class picture. This was taken during the last intensive weekend class I had in Casper. These are some of the people in the MPA program that I have gotten to know.

Kelsey's birthday. Since her trip to GR got messed up, I threw together a party at the last minute. I grabbed some cupcakes from WalMart, hung up a few balloons, hid the presents, and rounded up some neighbor kids. It turned out well and Kelsey was happy!

Once again Kelsey was a witch. I think this is three years in a row now.

Halloween! This year we decided to do things a bit different. We decided it would be fun to paint and decorate our pumpkins so that they wouldn't mold. I love our creations.

To carry on the family tradition, Kelsey made clues and hid my presents. These are some of the clues.

Kelsey made me this cake for my birthday. She was soooo excited.

Two summers ago Kelsey and I planted these trees outside of town. We decided to drive by and take a picture just for fun.

Kelsey's first day of school!

Summer 09

This is the entry way in the building where I used to work. I decided it would be fun to paint a tree and then have the clients make the leaves for it each season. So, after waiting months for approval, and never getting a response, my supervisor and I decided to just do it. So, I went ahead and painted it. I love it!

Christy had some candy corn with her. Kesley decided it would be fun to roast them over the campfire. They were actually kindof good.

Before it got too cold, we went out to Vedawoo with my friend Christy.

"Somebody's always got to be a clown."

At some point during the summer we made it to Green River. I don't remember why we were there, but we got these pics before we left.

Scott, can you get me one of these? I love this little thing!

Also, on the way back we found an air force museum. Kelsey had a lot of fun there.

On our way back from Illinois, we found this outdoor drive-thru zoo. These are some of the pics we took there. I don't remember if it was in Iowa or Nebraska. But if you ever drive in that direction, you'll have to keep your eye out for it.

Sunday, November 8, 2009


Joseph and Emma's home.

The Mansion house.

One of the original moonstones from the temple before it was destroyed.

The above pictures somehow got mixed up. They are pics taken on the temple grounds and at the visitors center.

After the performance we were bound and determined to find a town with firecrackers - Nauvoo didn't have any. So, as we were driving down the Mississippi river we noticed firecrackers being shot off in the towns across the Mississippi. We stopped and were able to watch firecrackers from a number of towns while hanging out on the banks of the Mississippi. It was a blast. These are just a couple pics we took while there.

We spent the 4th of July in Nauvoo. That night we watched a performance called "Down by the Mississippi. Before the show began they had all the kids dress up, and the performers involved them in a salute to America. Kelsey had fun being part of the show. That's here in the pink.

The Nauvoo temple. It was rebuilt to almost the exact specifications as the first.

The Smith family cemetery. Joseph and Hyrum's body's were moved several times. This is their final resting place.

Outside Carthage jail.

The bedroom where all the events took place. This is the window through which Joseph was killed.

If you look closely you can see a hole in the door. This is the hole through which the bullet went that killed Hyrum.

Our first stop was Carthage Jail. These are a few of the pics.